There are different diets suitable for different requirements to fuel the body during weight loss. Diets are also considered effective for lazy people who, along with others, do not want to spend a lot of time preparing special meals or following strict rules.
According to reviews on the Internet, even with such a soft and strict diet, the result that can be achieved is minus 10-12 kg. In the process of weight loss for more than 2 weeks, the amount of calories will be reduced, toxins and waste products will be removed, which will have a positive effect on human well-being.
How does the lazy water diet work?
With the help of a diet for lazy people, your weight indicators will change by minus 12 kg. Effective results can be achieved in 2 weeks using water diet in summer. This method of weight loss is confirmed by the reviews of supporters of this method of nutrition.
When you drink water often before meals, the body is deceived that it is full and does not require additional nutrition.

Since the stomach is full of water, you will not be able to eat much food. Food is better digested due to gastric juice released after drinking water.
Diet benefits
Losing weight with water is not difficult. That's why the water diet is especially popular with lazy people. Reviews show significant weight changes.
The main advantages that attract people to the water diet are:
- quick results;
- lack of diet;
- lack of hunger;
- metabolic processes are activated, the body is cleansed;
- food is digested quickly;
- Water balance in the body is normalized.
Some disadvantages
The diet allows lazy people to lose minus 12 kg of excess weight in 2-3 weeks.
Along with its advantages, the diet program has its disadvantages, which include:
- strict adherence to the water regime;
- It is forbidden to eat after 18: 00;
- involves a greater degree of self-organization;
- the diet is designed for no more than 3 weeks;
- vitamin-mineral complexes should be taken;
- blood pressure rises.

The sloth diet also has medical contraindications.
Reviews of people who lost weight using this method confirm the negative effects on the body in the following cases:
- stomach, liver, kidney diseases;
- heart disease;
- pregnancy;
- lactation;
- high blood pressure;
- diseases of the genitourinary system.

What foods can you eat during a water diet?
Allowed foods during the diet:
- fruits;
- vegetables;
- Dairy Products;
- peas;
- almonds;
- cinnamon;
- olive oil;
- salmon;
- grain;
- Green tea;
- porridge.
What products are prohibited
Herbs and linseed oil should be taken before the diet.
The following products should not be used:
- sweets;
- cooking;
- sauces;
- any smoking;
- alcoholic drinks;
- carbonated drinks;
- meat with skin;
- semi-finished products;
- fast food products;
- Fatty food.

It is celebrated 1 day before the beginning of the fasting day. Use salads, soups, drink 2 liters of water, fermented milk drink with fruit. Preparation for weight loss, weight reduced to 2 kg.
Diet principles for aquatic sloths
The principle of the diet is as follows:
- drink 2 glasses of water 20 minutes before meals;
- Do not drink liquids for 2 hours after eating;
- Small sips are helpful;
- no need to follow a diet;
- no need to eat special foods;
- No need to count calories;
- lack of hunger;
- mood and well-being improves.
Honey diet for lazy people
A diet based on honey is not suitable for everyone, it is only suitable for people who are not allergic to honey. The essence of the diet is that the daily menu is diluted with natural honey.Do not eat starchy foods.As honey interacts with starch, most of the nutrients are lost. At the same time, the weight remains in place and does not decrease at all.

Nutritional features of the honey diet:
- The first method involves drinking a honey drink in the morning 50 minutes before meals and 2 hours before going to bed. Add 1 tablespoon to 110 ml of warm water. l. honey, lemon juice to taste. You can eat a variety of foods except fried, smoked, fatty foods. Daily ration is adjusted to 1200 calories.
- The second method. It is necessary to add 12 g of honey during each meal. The menu includes a variety of products: vegetables, fruits, sour milk and favorite drinks.
- The third method is developed for 2 days, during which food is removed. You can get liquids with high acidity. For this, 55 g of honey is dissolved in 3 liters of water and the juice of 15 lemons is added.
Vinegar-based diet
Under the influence of acetic acid, carbohydrates and fats are broken down. Thanks to this process, digestion is accelerated. There is no desire to eat any floury food while drinking apple cider vinegar.
The main condition is to use natural homemade apple cider vinegar, not from the store.
Special dietary rules for weight loss are as follows:
- Use vinegar on an empty stomach. Add 1 teaspoon to a glass of warm water. apple cider vinegar, 1 tsp. Honey. The drink is drunk every morning before meals.
- Using vinegar after meals. Dissolve 2 teaspoons in a glass of warm water. apple cider vinegar. The drink is drunk after every snack, at night.
- Using vinegar on dishes. Vinegar is used as dressing, salad and marinade.
- Be sure to brush your teeth after drinking vinegar, as even a small amount can damage tooth enamel.
Recipes to use sauerkraut for weight loss
The benefits of sauerkraut are as follows:
- the functioning of intestines and stomach improves;
- lowers cholesterol;
- blood clotting improves thanks to vitamin K;
- prevents intolerance to components that aggravate bronchial diseases;
- stimulates bowel function;
- Constipation is eliminated thanks to the vegetable fiber contained in cabbage;
- intestinal microflora improves due to lactobacilli;
- drinking cabbage juice in the morning strengthens the immune system;
- is a low-calorie product.
Recipes with sauerkraut:
A salad. Components:
- sauerkraut 300 g;
- champignons 100 g;
- 3 potatoes;
- onion 1 head;
- vegetable oil, herbs.
Preparation rules:
- Champignons are boiled with spices, cooled and finely chopped.
- Finely chopped onion.
- Boil the potatoes in their skins, peel them and cut them into cubes.
- All components are mixed.
- After cooking, season the salad with oil and herbs.
Stu. Components:
- mushrooms 250 g;
- 2 potatoes;
- sauerkraut 500 g;
- vegetable oil, bay leaf, turmeric, cumin, paprika.
Preparation rules:
- Salted cabbage is washed with tap water and poured into a colander.
- Mushrooms are cleaned and finely chopped.
- Peel the potatoes and cut them into medium cubes.
- Vegetable oil is poured deeper into the pot.
- Turmeric and paprika are poured into the pot.
- Mushrooms are added after 1 minute, kept until fully cooked and put on a plate.
- Put cabbage, cumin and bay leaves in a pan and boil for 15 minutes.
- Add potatoes and cook for another 10 minutes.
- Add mushrooms, boil for 5 minutes, remove from heat.
Cabbage soup Components:
- 150 g of carrots;
- onion 50 g;
- sauerkraut 300 g;
- cream, low-fat 30 g;
- water 1, 5 l.
Preparation rules:
- Cabbage is dipped in boiling water.
- Add finely chopped onion and finely chopped carrot.
- Bring to a boil, bring to a boil.
- Leave for 20 minutes.
- Before serving, season the cabbage soup with cream.
Oatmeal recipes
Benefits of oats for the body:
- normalizes the functioning of the stomach and digestive system;
- cleanses the body of toxins;
- improves the condition of skin, hair, and nails;
- improves mental health;
- reduces wrinkles.
Fruit and oats. Components:
- grain;
- yogurt;
- some kind of fruit.
Preparation rules:
- Pour yogurt into a jar and add 3 tbsp. l. grains, chopped fruit or berries.
- Cover with a lid and shake gently. All components should be mixed well.
- Open the jar and add the remaining fruit or berries.
- The jar is tightly closed and put in a cold place until morning.
- Shelf life 2 days refrigerated, 4 days if you add bananas.
Oatmeal with chocolate. Components:
- oats 3 tbsp. l. ;
- milk 4 tbsp. l. ;
- yogurt 3 tbsp. l. ;
- honey 20 g;
- dark chocolate, chopped 30 g;
- cherry pulp 2 tbsp. l.
Preparation rules:
- Mix all ingredients except cherries.
- Pour into a bowl and shake gently.
- Open the jar and add chopped chocolate and cherry pulp.
- Mix with a teaspoon and refrigerate until morning.
- Ready porridge can be stored in a cold place for 3 days.
Oats with cocoa. Components:
- oats 3 tbsp. l. ;
- yogurt 3 tbsp. l. with the lowest percentage of fat;
- milk 4 tbsp. l. ;
- cocoa powder 1 tbsp. l. ;
- 1 teaspoon of honey;
- banana 50 g.
Preparation rules:
- Put all the ingredients except the banana in a jar.
- The jar is closed and the contents are shaken.
- Open the can, add the banana pieces and mix. Add grapes if desired.
- Leave in the fridge until morning.
- Validity period is 2 days.
A sample menu for each day
To lose excess weight in a short time, you need to create a proper diet.
Below is the diet of sloths (minus 12 kg in 2 weeks). Reviews of people who are losing weight help to determine the effectiveness of a sample menu for each day. Then, by analogy, the menu is created for the long term.
A day | Menu |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Sunday |
Diet for lazy after 50 years
Often, women in their 50s have a habit of eating a lot of food, so they reconsider their diet. As a result, extra pounds are added. You just need to reduce the normal part.
They are also changing the way food is processed.. Instead of frying and smoking, steaming or baking foods is more beneficial.
Recommendations for proper weight loss after 50 years:
- proper nutrition;
- playing sports;
- regular consultation with a doctor;
- moderate weight loss;
- taking vitamins;
- eat at a leisurely pace;
- blood sugar control.

Is it possible to drink alcohol on a diet?
Any diet is stressful for the body. The tone of the body decreases significantly limiting the amount and list of consumed food.
Alcohol increases the load on all systems of the body and causes damage during digestion.
Due to this situation, the process of assimilation of ingested food deteriorates, the body's energy decreases, and weakness occurs. When following a diet, take into account the calorie content of strong drinks. You will not lose weight if you constantly drink alcohol while on a diet, because alcohol is a caloric product.
First, the body uses alcoholic energy, and substances taken in with food accumulate in subcutaneous fat. It is for this reason that in many cases alcohol should not be consumed during the diet.
Consider the level of caloric deficit in the diet. The limitation applies to the list of products used. A small dose of alcohol will not change anything.In a strict diet, alcohol can cause serious health problems.

Alcohol increases the feeling of hunger, you want to eat fatty, fried, smoked foods, which leads to stopping the diet and gaining excess weight. Alcohol and diet are incompatible things, but with the right approach, they achieve good results.
How soon can you repeat the diet?
When you reach the desired weight, you need to take a break for 2-3 months. Doctors recommend stopping the diet before you lose 2 kg of weight. Do not go on a diet for more than 3 weeks, because calcium is washed out of the body and swelling occurs.
According to the recommendations of doctors, if people drink 2 liters of water throughout the day, they would lose weight without much difficulty. Water diet for lazy people allows to lose minus 10-12 kg in 2-3 weeks. This fact is confirmed by the practice and reviews of those who have experienced a diet based on water. But you can choose a different way of eating.